
About Lucres

What is Lucres?

This is a question many users are still asking.

Is it a social network? Is it a professional network?

Well, we would like to say it’s more of a network built to increase the views or impressions of jobs.

We need humans for this network to be built. Hence, it’s a network for humans to interact with each other through jobs.

And we need humans for this network to be built. Hence, it’s a network for humans to interact with each other through jobs.

How does that sound?

We are on a mission to build a digital infrastructure that will accomplish this vision and created all the necessary tools to accomplish this, like the feed page, profile page, resume, etc.

One might say it’s a centralized website or entity like Facebook or Instagram, but it’s more about building an open network with people, much like on X. You do not need to request anyone to follow them or take their permission to view their profile. All you have to do is sign up, search for the recruiters you're interested in following, and click follow. Once you start following any recruiter, you can always be the first to view any jobs they post.

You also get access to or can view the entire resume or all professional details of the individuals available on Lucres, except their phone numbers and email.

Lucres is hence a platform to showcase your professional life history to the public for free. You do not need to carry your resumes in a PDF or on paper anymore; all you have to do is share your Lucres profile link with companies or people to look into your details.

With a lot going on in the world of technology, Lucres is a small step towards making hiring affordable and professional life creation easier.

They say some 500 million tweets are made per day, we aim to reach a milestone were at least a million jobs are posted each day on lucres, aligning with our mission statement of - making jobs as common as a tweet.

We at Lucres are definitely aiming to revolutionize the recruitment space by innovating every step of the way.

So exactly who is Lucres' customer? Who are we targeting to reach? It just so happens that every hiring platform built is for big companies and especially tech-focused. Lucres is trying to reach all the small businesses in the country, especially in tier 2 and 3 cities. Keeping these target audiences in mind, Lucres works on a really low revenue model. It is one of the first hiring platforms to work on a pay-as-you-go model Click here.