5 Role of Communication on Employee Engagement.


5 Role of Communication on Employee Engagement.

Communication holds a powerful position by influencing the way things are done at work. Effective communication establishes a two-way flow of information for employees, and it also influences managers and executives to communicate better, which leads to stronger employee engagement. Good communication, especially from employee managers, can hugely lift employee engagement.

Employee engagement involves providing the right conditions for all members of an organization to give their best each day, be committed to their organization’s goals and values, motivated to contribute to organizational success, with a strengthened sense of their well-being.

Definition of Employee Communication.

Employee communication is the sharing of information, ideas, and feelings between employees and managers of a company. It can happen verbally, or electronically, on various mediums such as email, mobile applications, intranets, and collaboration tools. It is vital for the health and strength of a company. Without it, managers would not be able to properly lead the employees they manage. The more effectively a business can execute an employee communication strategy, the more successful it will be.

Benefits of Employee Communication.

  1. Increases employee engagement: Effective communication directly correlates to employee engagement. When employees receive the necessary information they need to do their jobs efficiently, while also having the ability to offer feedback, they feel more connected, both to the company and to each other, heard, and productive, ultimately making them more engaged in their daily responsibilities.
  2. Maintains workplace harmony: If communication does not flow properly back and forth between employees and managers, it can lead to misunderstandings, bottlenecks, and other issues. All of these problems can create stress and disrupt harmony in the workplace. Clear and transparent employee communication helps to prevent problems and get them resolved quickly when they do occur. This helps to preserve a harmonious workplace.
  3. Helps manage a diverse workplace: Inclusive communication allows for employees of different backgrounds, ideologies, and perspectives to come together under one mission and function effectively as a cohesive unit. When everyone feels like their voice is heard and their opinions are valued, companies can truly succeed.
  4. Improves the employee experience: Employee communication goes far beyond simply serving as how employees receive company news.  It elevates the employee experience by giving employees a sense of purpose within their daily responsibilities. When employees feel like they have all of the necessary tools, information, and resources to thrive both in and out of the workplace, holistically, they feel connected, included, and empowered to be their very best at work.
  5. Encourages innovation: Employee communication encourages innovation just as much as it encourages collaboration. When team members can effectively share ideas and information with each other, listen to everyone’s perspectives, and truly collaborate as a team, innovation is inevitable.
  6. Increases inter-departmental cooperation: While each department within a company serves a specific purpose and function, they’re all dependent on each other to succeed both individually and as a collective. Therefore, departments need to be able to communicate with one another for ongoing collaboration and support. When all departments are in sync and working in tandem, companies will flourish. If any single department is not in sync with the rest, that department, as well as the company at large, can suffer.

Related: Workplace Culture: Tips to Building a Positive Workplace Culture.

How to Implement an Employee Communication Strategy.

  1. Set clear goals: For your employee communication strategy to work, you need to know exactly what you are shooting for. For example, one employee communication goal that you might have is to raise awareness about corporate strategy within your employee ranks so that employees can serve as organic brand ambassadors. This strategy can be very effective because if you can ignite a passion for the mission and vision of your company in your employees, there is a good chance they will spread that vision and passion to people in their lives.
  2. Use a modern and effective employee communication platform: Over the past 10 years, several highly advanced and pragmatic platforms have been created. These =allow business leaders and employees to communicate with one another in a highly effective way.
  3. Integrate video and mobile: Both video and mobile communication are extremely important for employee engagement in the modern era. This is because most employees would rather watch a video than read text, and because almost all employees carry a smartphone on them both during work and at home. The smartphone is arguably the greatest communication tool ever invented, and your company can take advantage of this tool through mobile apps.
  4. Make sure managers are leaders in communication: Managers are the ones who set the tone for employee communication. This means that they need to be the ones initiating communication and leading by example. This can mean providing employees with updates about company strategy, company news, new projects, etc. The more effectively managers can communicate with their employees, the more successful the company is likely to be. Great business leaders can unite and inspire their employees through effective employee communication.

Elements of Effective Communication.

As a manager, you know that constructive two-way communication makes life better for everyone. But since every employee is different, you also have to know how to adjust and connect in a way that works for each person on your team. Here are some elements that contribute to effective communication and increased employee engagement:

  1. Honesty: It’s easy to spot when someone is being dishonest and it can tarnish an employee-manager relationship. If you’re aiming to improve your communication, speaking your truth is always a good idea. It fosters trust and encourages employees to reciprocate their honest thoughts and feelings.
  2. Transparency: Often bundled with honesty, transparency is about making important information accessible to relevant parties. If something directly concerns an employee or their work, you should make them aware promptly. It’s always best for employees to hear things from their managers first, rather than through the grapevine.
  3. Openmindedness: The best communicators are those who are open to discussing anything and everything. Employees’ backgrounds, experiences, personality types, ways of thinking, and perceptions of the world may be different than yours. However, approaching conversations with an open mindset is sure to spark valuable dialogue.
  4. Clarity: Leaving an employee feeling confused or unsure about something following a conversation can cause unnecessary stress and anxiety. It’s therefore crucial to be clear and concise, and always avoid beating around the bush. If you think you may have left too much room for interpretation, or potentially caused confusion, be sure to offer clarification.
  5. Frequency: A common cause of poor communication within a team is simply not communicating enough – whether in person, through video calls, or even messaging. The good news is that this is an easy fix. Spotting opportunities to say hello, check in, or recognize someone are great ways to up your communication frequency. With time, speaking with your team often will come naturally.

What are the 3 C’s of Employee Engagement?

Another way to better understand employee engagement is through the so-called 3 Cs of employee engagement:

  • Care — Managers should be empathetic to their employees’ moods and personal problems. They should promote work-life balance to improve employee engagement. Also, it’s on managers to provide their employees with workplace-related entertainment and show them small caring gestures.
  • Competence — To enable their employees to grow, managers should make sure that they organize regular workshops and training sessions. This should facilitate employees’ development of marketable skills and competencies.
  • Career — One way managers can support their employees in career development is by offering them job rotations and giving them challenging tasks that lead to promotions. Aside from that, employees should have a certain autonomy to make their own decisions.

Role of Communication of Employee Engagement.

Effective interaction plays a crucial role in employee engagement. It enables employees to stay connected to their workplace, understand the organization’s purpose and strategy, identify with its values, and develop a sense of belonging by understanding how they contribute to its wider purpose.

  1. Work Engagement: Good employee interaction can influence work engagement, which refers to the level of enthusiasm and dedication employees have towards their work. Effective interaction helps employees understand their roles, goals, and expectations, leading to increased engagement.
  2. Creating a shared vision: Effective interaction helps leaders articulate and share the organization’s vision, mission, and goals. When employees understand the purpose and direction of the organization, they feel a sense of belonging and are more likely to be engaged in their work.
  3. Building trust and transparency: Open and transparent interaction builds trust between employees and leadership. When employees feel informed about the organization’s decisions, changes, and challenges, they are more likely to trust their leaders and feel engaged in their work.
  4.  Employee Advocacy: Engaged employees are likelier to advocate for the organization. They go above and beyond their duties and actively promote the organization’s interests.
  5. Performance: Effective interaction can also impact employee performance. When employees are well-informed and understand their roles and goals, they are more likely to perform at their best

In Conclusion, Effective communication has a profound impact on employee engagement. It fosters a positive work environment, increases productivity, and strengthens the connection between employees and the organization. Genuine employee communication, which includes personal connections, sharing the big picture, and giving and accepting feedback, leads to more productive and loyal employees who produce higher-quality work.

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