10 Strategies to Overcome Communication Barriers in the Workplace

10 Strategies to Overcome Communication Barriers in the Workplace

Communication barriers have proven to hinder information from being passed across successfully. Communication is a fundamental part of human existence and plays a huge role in our daily lives. In the work environment, communicating with our colleagues, superiors, upper management, clients, and other external parties is inevitable because the success of any organization depends heavily …

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Lucres for Job Seekers: 9 Tips and Tricks for Building a Strong Profile and Attracting Employers

Lucres for Job Seekers: 9 Tips and Tricks for Building a Strong Profile and Attracting Employers

Unlike the traditional way of seeking jobs, where job seekers only cared about perfecting their CVs.  In this era of digital revolution, having a strong online presence is essential for job seekers. Gone are the days when job seekers could simply perfect their CV and expect to land a job. With the rise of social …

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Lucres: 8 Essential Features to help Recruiters Boost their Hiring Success.

Lucres: 8 Essential Features to help Recruiters Boost their Hiring Success.

  The business world, as we all know, is constantly changing. Businesses and recruiters are competing to attract and retain the most suitable talent to stay ahead of their rivals. However, organizations and businesses often face difficulties locating the right candidate, especially when they need to balance the need for a broad audience with the …

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How to become a Social Media Manager in 5 Simple Steps.

How to become a Social Media Manager in 5 Simple Steps.

A social media manager is a marketer responsible for creating a content strategy and coercing engagement on a company’s social platforms. A social media manager is an essential part of a marketing team and is responsible for creating, managing, and publishing content for a brand’s social media accounts. Who is a Social Media Manager? A …

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How to Write an About Me Page with 6 Tips and Examples.

How to Write an About Me Page with 6 Tips and Examples.

An “About Me” page is a crucial part of any website. In this large-scale digital world, having a compelling and well-crafted “About Me” page is essential for creating a strong personal brand and making a lasting impression on your audience. This is your chance to showcase your unique story, personality, and values. Crafting an engaging …

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How to Become a Writer- 9 Simple Steps to Follow

How to Become a Writer- 9 Simple Steps to Follow

Writing is an individual’s communication tool to share thoughts and ideas that convey expression. Writing is a globally used communication language among various individuals to stimulate interest or action from the reader. What is Writing? Every individual should understand the concept of writing itself before knowing if they want to write or not. Writing is …

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How to write an Application Letter- 7 Tips and Template

How to write an Application Letter- 7 Tips and Template

In today’s competitive market, writing a compelling letter is a must for you to stand out among other candidates. Application letters are necessary whether you are applying for a job, internship, or seeking admission to an academic program, your application letter serves as your introduction and showcases your qualifications and enthusiasm for the opportunity. In …

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Mental Health in the Workplace- Importance and Best Practices

Mental Health in the Workplace- Importance and Best Practices

Over the last few years, there has been a growing recognition of the importance of mental health in the workplace. It has been recognized that even in a work environment, it is essential to seek to enhance employee emotional and mental health, some employees will experience mental health problems that may have a detrimental impact …

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10 Tips to Write a Good Resume to Land You a Job

10 Tips to Write a Good Resume to Land You a Job

Your resume should highlight your knowledge, skills, abilities, experiences, and accomplishments as they relate to your career goals. Your resume advertises you as a candidate for a job, internship, or other position. It is used as a primary screening to determine the most qualified applicants. The first step to catch the recruiter’s eye or pass …

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