L3 Support+Unix Shellscripting+ SQL
Success Booster Private Ltd Hyderabad, India

Job Type :

Full time

Salary :

₹ 20lakh - 25lakh Yearly

Experience :

4 Years

Industry :

Computer and Information Technology

Openings :


Degree :

Job brief

Provide L3 SQL support for production issues (performance)  Provide L3 SQL support for developers - supporting query development and test throughout the software development lifecycle  Apply best practice for tuning SQL queries / databases to improve overall system performance  Analyse workloads and recommend optimal index design on key tables  Review proposed database structure changes and gain approval to modify based on best practices  Put standards in place to ensure all application design and code is produced with proper integrity, security and performance;  Perform reviews on the design and code frequently to ensure the standards are being adhered to.  Be gateway to production for all SQL developments / changes

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Posted By

seemma p s
11 months ago

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