Lucres: 5 Tips for Recruiters to Get More Applicants.


Lucres: 5 Tips for Recruiters to Get More Applicants.Lucres is a networking platform that connects job seekers to recruiters quickly. The idea behind Lucres is to solve the problem of the availability of jobs in the fast-paced world of recruitment and job seeking. Gone are the days when the job application process was time-consuming and complicated, Lucres helps recruiters streamline the recruitment process

Lucres offers a streamlined approach that allows employers to connect with potential candidates. The platform helps recruiters gain access to candidates’ contact information.

It is a platform that strives to bridge the gap between recruiters and job seekers.

Recruiters play the role of sourcing top talent for organizations, and leveraging can enhance their recruitment strategies and save money. 

The Benefit of Using Lucres for Job Searching and Recruitment.

The benefits of using Lucres for job searching and recruitment are:

  1. One of the key features distinguishing Lucres from other platforms is its unique ‘Repost Feature’ which allows users to share job postings on their feed allowing more accessibility to jobs.
  2. Users can also earn through Lucres’ special features. When a candidate is hired through the repost feature, the person who reposted the job receives 75% of Lucres’ revenue from the sale of the contract.
  3. It fosters networking, engagement, and collaboration among users. This helps to bridge the gap between employers and job seekers.
  4. It provides quality information through its blog section that educates both recruiters and job seekers.
  5. It provides personalized feeds and job application tracking systems where employees can keep track of their job applications.
  6. It helps employers and job-seekers connect with like-minded individuals and monitor their applications’ progress, streamlining the recruitment process and improving the overall candidate experience.
  7. Most importantly, the platform aims to create an efficient job search and recruitment system to benefit both employers and candidates alike.

Overall, is a valuable resource for recruiters, offering a cost-effective, efficient, and user-friendly platform for job postings and candidate sourcing. The Repost feature, unlimited free job postings, advanced matching algorithms, and commitment to privacy and security make an essential tool for recruiters in today’s dynamic job market.

How does Lucres help Recruiters connect with Potential Candidates?

Lucres is a comprehensive platform that connects employers with potential candidates. We will discuss at length how Lures helps employers connect with potential candidates.

  1. With Lucres, employers can access the details of potential candidates such as Resumes and Contact information which includes email addresses and phone numbers.
  2. Lucres also allows employers to filter their desired candidates based on skills, qualifications, and location to help them reach the perfect candidate.
  3. Lucres provides both the employer and the employee with a seamless experience, making the entire hiring process easy and time-effective.
  4. With Lucres, employers can easily track their candidate’s applications, manage job postings, and even schedule interviews with a single click.

Tips for Recruiters to Get More Applicants using

The platform offers a range of features that recruiters can utilize to attract more users and connect with the right talent. 

  1. Job Postings and Advertising. 

Recruiters can utilize the platform to post job listings to reach a pool of potential candidates. By posting job openings on the platform, recruiters can attract suitable candidates.

  1. Networking. provides networking opportunities for recruiters to connect with professionals in their industry. Additionally, recruiters can benefit from the Lucres Repost feature to expand their network and encourage referrals for open positions.

  1. Talent Search Databases. 

Recruiters can use’s talent search databases to identify strong candidates who have previously applied for roles. This approach saves time and effort by focusing on candidates already familiar with the organization, potentially leading to successful hires.

  1. Utilizing the Repost Feature. offers a unique feature called the Repost feature that allows recruiters to broaden the reach of their job postings. Users can repost jobs posted by recruiters, helping them reach a larger potential candidate. 

By reposting job opportunities, recruiters can tap into extended networks, save costs compared to the traditional methods of recruiting talents, and encourage user participation in the job search process.

  1. Building a Strong Community.

Recruiters can use to build a community that supports one another. By sharing job postings with followers and connections, users can create a positive and supportive environment that benefits both job seekers and recruiters.

In conclusion, provides a valuable platform for recruiters to enhance their recruitment efforts, attract top talents, optimize recruitment strategies, connect with a larger audience, find the right talent for their organizations, and save money. 

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