Understanding the Powerful Benefits of Lucres and Its Repost Feature [2024]: A Case Study

Understanding the Powerful Benefits of Lucres and Its Repost Feature [2024]: A Case Study
Lucres recognizes the need to enhance the reach and efficiency of jobs, creating the Repost Feature, and making it the first company to solve this issue.

This feature enables companies to access a broader pool of qualified candidates while incentivizing users.

The job search process is ripe for innovation. Lucres.com is on a mission to streamline and simplify this experience for job seekers, making it as easy as sending out a tweet.  

This Case Study will be divided into Five sections:

    • Setting up the context.
    • Defining the problem, Persona categorization, and Research.
    • Strategizing, Finding solutions, and Implementation.
  • Concept creatives included.
  • Short videos are Included for better understanding.

Setting up the context.

Before we delve into the details. We will analyze to understand the pain points of recruiters and companies.

Let’s analyze this using time, effort, and resources:

Imagine being Jagan, the hiring manager at a mid-sized tech company. Now, Jagan is tasked with filling a critical role (senior software engineer) who will be responsible for leading a new project that is pivotal to the company’s growth.

The pressure is immense, not just because of the importance of the role, but because every day the position remains vacant, the company loses potential revenue and falls behind schedule.


Jagan starts by posting the job opening on multiple job boards. Days turn into weeks as resumes flood in, and Jagan spends countless hours looking through them.

Each resume could take hours to go through thoroughly. The process is tedious and slow, making Jagan work late into the night, sacrificing his time to find that perfect candidate.


After the initial screening, Jagan starts to schedule phone interviews, coordinate with department heads for panel interviews, and organize coding tests for the selected applicants.

Each step requires meticulous planning and coordination. Despite his best efforts, many candidates don’t make it past the initial stages, and the search starts anew.

The effort is not just Jagan—every department head involved in the process also dedicates valuable time that could be spent on their primary responsibilities.


There is a financial aspect to consider. The company spends thousands on job postings, recruitment agencies, and advertising the position.

Each interview consumes resources—conference room bookings, employee time, and administrative support.

Yet, despite these investments, the perfect candidate remains elusive.

The Simpler Way:

What if there was a simpler, more effective way to find qualified candidates?

Enter Lucres and its innovative Repost feature.

This feature leverages the power of the professional network, allowing users to share job openings with their connections effortlessly.

When a user shares a job post, it extends the reach of the job listing exponentially, tapping into a broader and often more qualified pool of candidates.

Credibility and Rewards:

With a few clicks, users can repost a job and broaden the reach of job openings, which increases the chances of a good fit.

Lucres takes this a step further by rewarding users for their valuable contributions. Each successful hire resulting from a repost or referral earns the referrer a portion of the recruitment fee.

This not only incentivizes the sharing of job opportunities but also ensures that users are engaged and motivated to connect the right people with the right jobs.


For Jagan, this means a faster, more efficient hiring process. The time spent sifting through unqualified resumes is drastically reduced. The effort involved in scheduling and conducting endless rounds of interviews is minimized.

The resources spent on advertising and recruitment agencies can be redirected towards other critical areas of the business.

Most importantly, the position is filled with a qualified candidate, referred by a trusted connection, ensuring a better fit and higher retention rate.

In essence, Lucres transforms the recruitment process by harnessing the power of networks, simplifying referrals, and rewarding those who contribute to successful hires.

For companies and recruiters like Jagan, it’s a game-changer—saving time, effort, and resources while ensuring the best talent is brought on board.

Now Let’s understand the pain point of job seekers.

Let’s meet Rajini, a talented marketing professional with a solid track record of successful campaigns. She’s ready to take the next step in her career, aiming for a role that offers more responsibility and better pay.


Rajini starts by updating her resume and LinkedIn profile. She spends hours customizing her resume and cover letter for each job application, making use of all the relevant keywords as instructed.

The application process is time-consuming; for every job she applies to, she has to fill out lengthy forms. Weeks pass with no responses, and she finds herself being discouraged and frustrated.


Her effort doesn’t stop at applications. She does all she needs to do to get her desired job.

She actively networks attends industry events, and participates in webinars to increase her visibility.

Despite these efforts, she finds it difficult to get her foot in the door.

Many job openings are filled through internal referrals or are never advertised publicly.

The energy she invests in job searching begins to take a toll, leading to frustration and burnout.


Financially, the job search process is draining. Rajini spends money on premium job search platforms, paying for professional resume writing services, and sometimes even travel expenses for interviews.

She takes courses to upskill herself, adding to her financial burden.

All these resources are spent without any guarantee of landing a job, adding to her anxiety and stress.

The Simpler Way:

What if there was a simpler, more effective way for Rajini to discover and secure job opportunities?

Lucres offers a solution for Rajini.

She can sign up on Lucres and apply to as many jobs as she wants, all for free.

She never has to worry about paying to get her resume ready. Lucres has a resume embedded in its platform where Rajini can create her resume and even download it for free.

Then the Repost Feature.

This feature allows users to share job postings with their network, significantly increasing the visibility of these opportunities.

For Rajini, this means that she doesn’t have to rely solely on traditional job boards.

She can benefit from the power of her network, where trusted connections can share and refer her to relevant openings.

Credibility and Rewards:

Using Lucres, Rajini can leverage her professional credibility. When a connection refers her to a job, it carries weight, increasing her chances of getting noticed by recruiters. Moreover, Lucres incentivizes users to help each other.

Every time someone in Rajini’s network helps her secure an interview or a job, they earn a portion of the recruitment fee.

While Rajini is waiting to get a job, she can earn on Lucres by reposting jobs on her feed.

This creates a supportive community where helping each other is mutually beneficial.


For Rajini, this means fewer hours spent on fruitless applications and more time connecting with her professional network.

The referrals and reposts lead to higher-quality job matches, and an opportunity to earn, reducing the effort and resources needed to find suitable positions.

Rajini’s job search becomes more efficient and less stressful, allowing her to focus on showcasing her skills and preparing for interviews rather than endlessly applying for jobs.

In summary, Lucres transforms the job search process for individuals like Rajini.

By tapping into the power of professional networks and incentivizing mutual support, it simplifies the journey from job seeker to employed professional.

This innovative approach saves time, effort, and resources, making the job search more efficient and effective.

About Lucres.

Lucres is a leading networking platform designed to connect job seekers with recruiters efficiently.

By offering an affordable and streamlined hiring process, Lucres stands out with its flexible pricing plans and unique features, such as free job postings and the Repost feature, which amplifies job opportunities for both job seekers and employers.

Identification of the Problem.

In today’s labor market, getting a job and finding the right talent has become increasingly challenging for both recruiters and job seekers.

Traditional job boards and recruitment methods no longer work in reaching a vast audience while keeping costs manageable.

The cost of hiring is very high and time-consuming.

What can be done?

Suhas Bonageri, the visionary behind Lucres, recognized this pain point and set out to create a platform that would simplify the job posting process and make it as common as a tweet.

Lucres was founded with the mission of “Making Jobs as Common as a Tweet.”

The platform aims to significantly reduce the cost of hiring, making it as low as Rs 49, which is beneficial for startups and small businesses.

Defining the problem, Persona categorization, and Research.

Defining the problem:

Recruiters often struggle with reaching a broader talent pool without having to spend so much.

Traditional recruitment methods are expensive and may not necessarily yield the best candidates.

Job seekers, on the other hand, face challenges in discovering job opportunities that match their skills and preferences.

Persona categorization.

Through intensive research, Lucres has been able to identify two personas:

  1. Job Seekers: These are individuals looking for employment opportunities, often relying on job boards and online applications.
  2. Recruiters: Typically working in HR departments or as independent recruitment consultants, these users need cost-effective solutions to post jobs and access a wide range of potential candidates.

How does Lucres work to serve both parties;

1. User 1; Reposter.

Powerful Benefits of Lucres and Its Repost Feature

2. User 2; Candidate.

Powerful Benefits of Lucres and Its Repost Feature

3.  User 3; Recruiter.

Powerful Benefits of Lucres and Its Repost Feature

How does the Lucres Repost Feature serve Lucres users;

Powerful Benefits of Lucres and Its Repost Feature


To meet the needs of these different types of people, Lucres did thorough research to understand what they find difficult, what motivates them, and what they expect.

The team learned about the challenges that job seekers face when looking for the right jobs and the problems that recruiters have when they try to find the right people for their jobs.

The research shows that there is a need for websites that do more than just list job openings. Good websites should help people connect, make it easy for recruiters to find information about job seekers, and have tools that help both recruiters and job seekers. Lucres’ Repost feature was designed to meet these needs.

Strategizing, Finding Solutions, and Implementation


Lucres aimed to create a feature that would not only increase job visibility but also incentivize users to participate actively in the recruitment process. By leveraging the community aspect, Lucres designed the Repost feature to benefit both recruiters and job seekers.

Finding Solution:

The Repost feature allows users to share job postings within their network, significantly increasing the reach of each job ad. This approach ensures that job opportunities are seen by a broader audience, including passive candidates who might not be actively searching but are open to new opportunities.


  1. Development: The feature was integrated into the Lucres platform, allowing users to easily share job postings with their followers.
  2. User Incentives: To encourage usage, Lucres introduced a revenue-sharing model where users who repost jobs earn 75% of the revenue if a candidate they shared gets hired.
  3. User Experience: The Repost feature was designed to be intuitive, enabling users to share postings with a single click. Additional tools, such as analytics and engagement options, were added to help users track the performance of their reposts and interact with their network effectively.

Results and Benefits

For Recruiters:

  • Increased Reach: Job postings reach a larger audience, increasing the chances of finding the right candidate.
  • Cost-Effective: Reduces the need for expensive job boards and advertisements.
  • Efficient Hiring: Faster hiring processes due to the wider reach and improved candidate quality.

For Job Seekers:

  • Expanded Opportunities: Greater exposure to job opportunities they might not find through traditional search methods.
  • Community Engagement: Builds a supportive network where users help each other find suitable roles.
  • Monetary Incentives: Opportunity to earn by sharing relevant job posts.

Overall Impact.

The Repost feature has successfully enhanced the job searching and recruitment experience on Lucres. It has created a community-driven platform that benefits all users by improving job visibility, fostering engagement, and providing financial incentives.

How to make use of the Repost Feature.

This manual will guide you through using the Lucres Repost feature to maximize your job postings efficiently.

Step 1: Sign Up to Lucres.
1. Visit Lucres.com

2. Sign Up

  • Click on the “Sign Up” button.
  • Fill in your details: name, email, password, and any other required information.
  •  Confirm your email address through the verification link sent to your inbox.

Step 2: Go to the Job Section.
1. Log In

  • Use your credentials to log in to your Lucres account.

2. Navigate to the Job Section.

  • Once logged in, locate and click on the “Jobs” tab in the main menu. This will take you to the job management section.

Step 3: Repost a Job.
1. Find the Job.

  • In the job section, browse through your listed jobs to find the one you want to repost.

Step 4: Use the Repost Feature. 

Option 1: Quick Repost

  • Next to the job listing, click the “Repost” button. This will immediately repost the job with the same details.

Option 2: Repost with Edits

  • Click on the job title to open its details.
  • You can add additional details.
  • Once done, click the “Repost” button to publish the updated job listing.

Powerful Benefits of Lucres and Its Repost Feature

Additional Tips

  • Update Details: Keep job details current and accurate to attract the right candidates.
  • Utilize Support: If you encounter any issues or need further assistance, contact Lucres support through the “Help” section.

You are now ready to effectively use the Lucres Repost feature to keep your job listings active and attract top talent.

For further assistance, contact our support team at [email protected].

In conclusion, the Lucres’ Repost feature exemplifies how innovative solutions can address common recruitment challenges, benefiting both recruiters and job seekers while fostering a vibrant professional community.

RELATED: Lucres Pricing Plan for Effective Hiring Process- Get 5 Contacts At No Cost.

Lucres for Job Seekers: 9 Tips and Tricks for Building a Strong Profile and Attracting Employers.

Lucres: 8 Essential Features to help Recruiters Boost their Hiring Success.

The Lucres Repost Feature: Maximizing your job opportunities.

Lucres: Making Jobs as Common as Tweets.

Lucres: 5 Tips for Recruiters to Get More Applicants.

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